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Omar Isaac Ramirez

September 15, 1976 - July 12, 2022
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Victoria Steffens

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Posted by:

Victoria Steffens

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Omar Isaac Ramirez

September 15, 1976 - July 12, 2022

We are devastated and heart broken to write an obituary for our wonderful son, Omar Isaac Ramirez. He was born on September 15th 1976 to Victoria and Carlos Ramirez at Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto, California. At the very young age of 45, Omar passed away at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego on July 12, 2022. After nine days in a coma, he died with his family at his bedside. His father Carlos Ramirez was able to be with him via video calls. 

Omar is survived by his mother Victoria Steffens, his father Carlos Ramirez Sr., his brother Carlos Ramirez, his stepdad Richard Steffens, his sister-in-law April and his niece and nephew whom he loved dearly. He is also survived by his “second” mother, Marcy, He leaves behind a large blended family of aunts, uncles and cousins. A special mention to Dave, his best friend from high school at Granite Hills. Dave and Omar became very close after forming their punk rock band; The Hardy Boys. Omar played the drums while Dave the guitar. They had a bit of a following for a while. Omar had also attended the Arts Academy in San Francisco as a major in film production. He had a passion for video and film that even lead him to work on a production team in Hollywood for a period of time with his cousin Aaron.

Omar was pre-deceased by his infant brother and sister neither of whom he met. His cousin Aaron is also with him as well as his best friend and “brother” Brent. It is said that when a person dies, he or she is met by all pets that were in their life-time. That being said, as an incredible dog lover, Omar has no doubtedly been welcomed by sloppy dog kisses from Chespita, Annie, Shadow (who he painted blue one time!), Chelsie, Beckett and mostly; Alex. 

Omar died from a long disease process caused by alcohol, but the disease process never overshadowed who he really was. Omar was the man who everyone seemed to love at first meeting. He was always a fun, easy-going, charismatic person. He also had a serious side including a bit of a temper especially when it came to injustices. He was the person you could always talk to. A girlfriend of mine just recounted her first meeting of Omar. He and I were outside a cafe when she tearfully approached us up a hill. Omar said, “Here comes trouble!” These were the first words he ever said to her. Next he spread his arms and said, “Come here, somebody needs a hug!” She told me it was instant love. This is who Omar was.

Omar had a deep love of bicycles. Numerous lengthy bike rides were with Brent and Pete. He loved playing the guitar. When he was a teen, he would come into our bedroom with his guitar and plop on Ricks side of the bed asking him, while Rick was still half asleep, to show him a chord he just couldn’t get. 

He loved, with a passion, traveling. A few of the places he had the opportunity to visit: France, Italy, Spain (his favorite), Vietnam, Thailand, Portugal and Mexico. 

Omar will be missed by all. A Celebration of Life is being planned and will be held in the San Diego area.

I Love You More!! mom

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Condolences 11

Isobel Costa Dear Victoria and family You have had an impossibly heart breaking task in having to write this beautiful eulogy for Omar. No parents should ever have to do this. Yet you have clearly and so lovingly expressed his personality, his ways and his loves so that even for someone who only knew him briefly I feel that I know him even more now. In the short times we spent with Omar, it was all fun. I loved his sense of humour and the way he made me feel like a friend immediately when I met him. I wish we could have spent more time together. I miss you and Rick and the times we had here in Portugal and for such a short time those times were made better with Omar here to add his great personality to our days out. I have read that less than 2% of people in the world have red hair. That in itself made Omar special, but he was a special person throughout and will never be forgotten. My heart breaks for you all and please know that we are here for you anytime. Love always ….
about 2 years ago

Jaime Ramirez Loredo Tío Carlos/ Carlitos/Tía Vicky, mi Madre, Mi hermano Raúl y Yo lamentamos mucho lo sucedido, apenas hoy lo supimos. Mucha fuerza en estos momentos. Les enviamos un fuerte abrazo y nuestro cariño. Nunca es fácil escribir algo que disminuya el dolor, pero sepan que siempre lo guardaremos en nuestro corazón. Te extrañaremos Omar.
about 2 years ago

Francisco Castellanos Foto tomada en san Diego de la union Guanajuato , México
about 2 years ago

Francisco Castellanos
about 2 years ago

Francisco Castellanos Tía Vicky mi más sentido pésame les mandamos toda la familia de corazón un fuerte abrazo . Y que Dios lo tenga en su santa gloria . Soy tu sobrino paco Castellanos Ramírez.
about 2 years ago

Steph Taylor I’m saddened and tearful to hear about Omar. I saw him (and Carlos and Chespita) often back in the day. Omar was a great kid who grew up to be a wonderful man. Vickie and Rick: Tom and I are so sorry for your devastating loss. May Omar rest in peace with those loved ones who left this earth before him. (The photo is of Omar, Vickie, and me and my dogs, likely taken in 1984 at Tom's parents' ranch. )
about 2 years ago

April Ramirez Omar was my brother from the day I met him. I will always cherish the memories of the times he briefly lived with us, filling our days will witty comments, constant jokes and playful love for his niece and nephew. I wish we’d had more time. There were more jokes and laughs to be had but we’ll share them on the other side. I love you always, my sweet brother.
about 2 years ago

Catherine Margolin Omar was always a kid in my eyes even though he was an adult. He would call me little momma. He would come and do work in the yard and house and then return to his young life. He would call me on my birthday or send a funny animal app To communicate with me. He was always the one who would cheer you up. I hadn’t actually heard from him in a couple of years. He was a very funny kind. My heart is heavy the world lost a sweet soul.
about 2 years ago

Dave Swain I will miss my brother for the rest of my life. The file of memories is endless. Omar taught me a lot. One of the strongest people I've ever known. I'm beside myself. Not even sure what to write. I love you the most Omar. I'll see you later compa. P.S. Vickie, I was the one who painted Shadow. Knowing Omar, he never ratted anyone out.
about 2 years ago

Erik Gregory Omar was always my “cool cousin” — he played instruments like the drums, had piercings and tattoos, introduced me to new music like the white stripes, told funny jokes (which I still tell to this day), let us play video games late at night, made fun of the adults with us, etc. I was always excited to see him at family gatherings because I knew it would be a fun time. Omar was always kind to us and everyone in the family. We hadn’t seen each other for years and I am sad we didn’t get to reconnect in our adult years. I’ll cherish my childhood memories of Omar forever.
about 2 years ago

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