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Cecil Fredrick Perry

June 06, 1926 - February 17, 2023
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Ronald Martin

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Ronald Martin

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Cecil Fredrick Perry

June 06, 1926 - February 17, 2023

Cecil Perry Life Story
    Cecil Frederick Perry was Born June 6, 1926 in Baxter Springs Kansas. Cecil was the 3rd child of Lola Cox Perry and Elmer Perry, following sisters Helen and Georgia. Little brother Benjamin followed Cecil a few years later. The family left Oklahoma and the dust bowl in the early 1930s, working their way west picking crops across the southwest. They landed in Salinas, California. Salinas was their home base although they continued to pick crops up and down the west coast for some time.
Cecil turned 18 on D-Day 1944. He graduated from Hayward High School in June and was a soldier in the United States Army by July. Cecil served honorably making the rank of corporal, until his discharge in April of 1946. Cecil was also a member of the California Army Reserve for many years and achieved the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He also was a member of the Masonic Lodge and the Elks Lodge.
After the Army, Cecil returned to California where he lived for a time in the small town of Firebaugh. There he owned and worked a service station. After moving to Fresno California, Cecil started working in the insurance industry. It was in that business that Cecil spent his career. He worked for many large companies and at a later date opened his own agency, which was successful for many years.
In 1954 Cecil welcomed his first daughter, Dawn Louise, into the world. Then in 1965 Cecil married Barbara Louise Martin and they blended their families together. Barbara brought sons Ron and Craig to the marriage. Then in 1967 they were thrilled to add daughter Amy Cecile to the family. Cecil and “Bobbie” were happily married for 58 years. During that time they lived in Clovis California where they raised their family. In later years they loved traveling, especially to Hawaii. Once grandchildren started coming, their greatest joy was spending time with and having fun together with the grandchildren.
Cecil lived a long full life until he passed away on February 17, 2023. Sadly his beloved Bobbie passed away shortly after on April 23, 2023. Cecil is survived by his children Dawn (Rich) Woosley,
Ronald ( Leigh Ann) Martin and Amy ( Ron) Guill. Cecil was predeceased by son Craig Perry. Cecil is also survived by 9 grandchildren. Thaddeus, Tyler, Jeffery, Robert, McCabe, Christian, Madison, McKenna and Morgan were always a joy for Cecil and Bobbie. There are also numerous great grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. Cecil is also survived by his brother Ben.

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Condolences 1

Tyler Woosley May they rest in peace. We sure did enjoy time spent over summer vacations- movies, swimming, and the occasional trip to the truck stop to "procure" the freshest fruits one could imagine! #orangetictacs
about 1 year ago

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