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Ellen May Miller

May 20, 1950 - December 24, 2023
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S Collins

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S Collins

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Ellen May Miller

May 20, 1950 - December 24, 2023

Ellen Miller of New York City, New York passed away on December 24, 2023.

Ellen was born in New London, New Hampshire on May 20, 1950 to Iris (Crouse) Miller.  Ellen was a professional chef and a seamstress who made costumes for Broadway productions.  She spent time living in Massachusetts, New York, and California.

Ellen had many interests and kept those around her well intrigued and amused.  She enjoyed crossword puzzles, cloth and clothes, cooking and food, literature and non-fiction books, African art, museums, thrift stores, and rust. She was a friend to the downtrodden and overlooked, those with atypical viewpoints, and those with interesting positions or stories generally.  She had an inner-strength that was admirable, endearing, and at times reckless.  Her path was not rote.

Ellen is survived by many who cherished her and will miss her greatly, including: her son Scott and his wife Maureen; their sons Sean and Liam; her dear friend Lisa and her children Dontee, Nicholas, Ezekiel, Ivanna, and Nathaniel and grandchildren; Meredith and Donna, longtime friends from Maine; treeriders Ed and Joe; and many other friends and neighbors.

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Condolences 3

Nancy Thomas Ellen and I disagreed on polka dot dresses but we both read Toni Morrison novels and would commiserate over the luxurification of the East Village. Ellen's style and quirky presence will be missed.
12 months ago

Stacie Lagattuta Sending our sincerest condolences to you Scott and family. I am glad I had the pleasure of meeting Ellen. Sending much love & light❤️
12 months ago

Julian B Ellen was charismatic and a straight talker. She had a way with kids, and introduced my son to one of his favorite games of all-time, Set. May she find peace.
12 months ago

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