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Bernie Borok

December 23, 1936 - August 16, 2024
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Lou Borok

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Posted by:

Lou Borok

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Bernie Borok

December 23, 1936 - August 16, 2024

Berni Borok, of Burlingame, CA passed away in San Mateo, CA  at the TLC hospice on August 16, 2024..
Bernie was born in Philadelphia, PA on Dec. 23, 1936.. His Mother, Claire, died in 1946. His father, Harry, died in 1951. His older brorher Howard died in 1992. Bernie is survived by an older brother, Lou, who lives in Tennessee, and a sister, Barbara, who lives in Ohio.

Bernie attended four different high schools. He spent the fitst post-high school years living and working in New York City, and then moved to Burlingame, CA.
He retired from Krames Publishing in San Bruno, CA where he was a proofreader. He had been an independent proofreader for several major publishing houses in New Yorl and that continued after he moved to California.
He always took great interest in the history of any place he lived. He was a great fan of musical films and had a huge library of recorded films. He had a host of friends and he is and will continue to be greatly missed. 
By his request there will be no service. And, at his request, his ashes will be scattered at Half Moon Bay by two of his closest, most living friends.

[First and last name of the deceased] of [current City and State of residence] passed away in [location of death] on [date of death].


[Name of the deceased] was born in [City, State of birth] on [birth date] to [Father’s full name] and [Mother’s full name.] He attended [high school and/or college name] studying [field of study] and earning a degree in [degree major]. [He/she] worked at [name of most recent employer] as a [title of job] for [years employed].


[Name of deceased] enjoyed [areas of interest]. [He/she] was a proud member of [church or other organizations]. [Name of deceased] was honored with [Name of Award won and reason for award]. Other honors include: [list of awards, milestones and achievements.]


[He/she] is survived by [names of close family members (relations)] and was predeceased by [names of wife, siblings, children, or other close family members that died before].

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